Wednesday, June 10, 2009

When Y.U. and the Stollel collide...

It seems that the Stollel has infiltrated the Yeshiva University system.

These are some of the shiurim that have been going on in Y.U. recently:
NEW SHIUR: R' Zev Reichman: Likutei Moharan 6:3-4
R' Zev Reichman: Likutei Moharan 6:1-2
The Admor miKoidenov: Divrei Chizuk for the Stollel


  1. likutei moharan shiur continues tmw thursday 12pm

  2. I believe these shiurim were given in conjunction with Yeshivas R.B.S?

    [It doesn't "seem" like the Stollel has infiltrated Y.U.- it has simply removed the keesuyim and levushim]

  3. how often is the likutei moharan shuir going to be

  4. That is amazing. Who uploaded these shiurim onto y.u torah that is also holding in bechinas stollel?

  5. menachem mendel, that would be the keyboardist/ vocalist from tzavei - shia W.
    jester, good call on YRBS (otherwise known as the Muss Beis Medrash/Yeshivas Rabbeinu Baruch Simon.
    srullster, look what happens when you bounce from yu for june - other beards must come and make up for it.

  6. shiaZ i'd like to correct you- there is no beard that makes up for sruli's beard...
    and derech agav, i totally thought that Jester was making a joke about Ramas Beis Shemesh (RBS), thank u for clearing that up mine bruder...

  7. other than the fresh smell of lumber and sliced bread, nothing brings a smile to my face more than seeing the zlosnick breeders converse on stollel
