Friday, July 31, 2009

NCSY Stollel (Motzei Shabbos Nachamu)

Its been a while since we've caught up. Turns out that the NCSY Stollel has found out about the real Stollel and have been observing our blogspot. This only means that I will now have to censor what I write. If you want the “real” inside scoop it'll have to wait until Rabbeinu Yitzchak's starts up.

Where to begin.

The pursuit of the Tolna Rebbe continues. Here is my picture of the Rebbe posing as Matisyahu.


One shiur had a private question/answer session with Rav Schachter. The kids wrote down questions on a sheet beforehand and Rav Schachter started to address each one. Prodded by the shiur rebbi, Rav Schachter was told that the better questions were on the other side. He flipped the page over and read:

(Insert Rav Schachter voice here)
“Can you call someone a n*gger?
(Pause) That's not kavod ha'brios. That's not a very nice thing to say.”


The Kollel took a two day tiyul to Eilat. I opted to take the days off and stay in Yerushalayim at Adam Peretz's. The first day I was looking for somewhere to learn and some guy directed me to a Kabbalah yeshiva behind Raz's house. I was hoping to go in and find guys flying around and floating, but to my dismay, most were learning basar bi'chalav and Bava Metziah. What a downer.

Supposedly, this is the new shtick around Yerushalayim.

Tiyul day the next week was that of shevuah she'chal bo and accordingly was “less extreme.” Options included trips to Yad V'Shem, Har HaZeisim, and a Chevron/Kever Rochel option for NCSY Kollel “shana beis.” I chose the Chevron option for various reasons but primarily because I heard that Rav Simcha would be leading the tour. I have now been zocheh to visit all four of the (specified) holy cities during my stay here.

This whole journey has been like a rebirth of sorts. Its a big beracha to be able to come back and revisit all these places and people that I likely visited during shana aleph but am now able to connect and appreciate on an entirely different level. I've also come to the conclusion that Rav Simcha gets to be more amazing with age. While to the average shana aleph bochur (how much more so to a 10th grade DRS student) Rav Simcha can come off as some fundamentalist-Rav Shlomo hippie, in truth, the more time you spend with him the more you really appreciate his depth, ahavas Yisrael, and ahavas Eretz Yisrael.

On the tour a drilling/clicking noise could be heard coming from the distant Arab construction. One of the NCSYers wanted to know if that sound was coming from the Arab's rollercoaster. Rav Simcha told him that it wasn't.

He concluded the tour in his house with a heavy pitch for the best post high school yeshiva.

After Chevron we stopped by the Gush and visited R' Ahron.

He was pretty rebbish.

An NCSYer asked:
Why does the Rav love learning Torah? R' Ahron responded: “Are you talking about me or about my rebbi?” I thought that was humorous.


Gabi has been popping up all over.

I first some him walking with Dovi F. on King George one erev Shabbos, and since then, I've seen him numerous of times at the Kotel (one night passed out on a shtender at a rather late hour), and on the Danielli's day trip to Chevron. He was there with R' Shirell and their parents, on their way to daven at the kever of Rus and Yishai.


I've been stalking Rav Machlis lately.

I went for lunch on Shabbos the past few weeks and have also been attending his weekly Nach shiur where we learn Haggai in his home. The shiur is always followed by a light three-course meal for those who stay to complete a minyan for Arbit. Like on Shabbos, there is no shortage of characters at the shiurim and meals, but it's interesting, and I'm not sure I can explain it, but I've noticed that the longer I'm here in Eretz Yisrael the more normal the “crazies” become. It's probably tied to the teaching that I overheard someone say in the Beis Midrash a few weeks ago in an attempt to describe yiddishkeit to an NCSYer:

“It's hard until you lose your mind. Then it's amazing.”


Thinks that bother me lately:

- Diller left without saying goodbye. Unbelievable.
- NCSY madrichim in love with the new Shwekey "Vi'hi She'amda" that he plays with the Israeli guy.


The Mashgiach visited the Kollel on erev Tisha B'Av to deliver a moving address. It's always good to see the Mashgiach.

Tisha B'Av in Eretz Yisrael is Tisha B'Av in Eretz Yisrael. Not much more to say then that. NCSY in the final hours went to the Old City. They made a giant circle up in the plaza and slowly people from all over started to join. It was really a special thing to be a part of.

The Talmud records that one should not offer tanchumin over the deceased after the aveilim have already concluded their aveilus period for it is compared to re-opening an already healed wound. Nonetheless, I'll share a teaching Rav Machlis said on Shabbos Chazon because I don't think that it's only applicable to the period of mourning we have just completed and I think there is certainly what to gain from it even after the nechamah has begun.

He said that when he and the Rebbetzin first moved to Eretz Yisrael thirty years ago it was just a few days before Tisha B'Av. They walked to the Kotel and he described that when he arrived the entire area was packed up to the steps with Jews from all types of backgrounds and from all different places all over the world, all coming to mourn over the Temple that once was. Everyone was sitting on the ground reading Lamentations and Rav Machlis began to read them as well. He said that after a few moments he shut them because he couldn't help but be so happy at the sight he was witnessing. The sense of a unified Jewish people was just so amazing that he was overjoyed on Tisha B'Av night. As he sat there, his eighth grade rebbi came down the steps. Rav Machlis stopped him and asked: “Rabbi Herman, can I ask you a question?” “You know that it is Tisha B'Av and one can only discuss certain matters,” replied Rabbi Herman. “I know,” said Rav Machlis, “But I wanted to ask you how can I possible say Eicha and the Kinnos right now when I'm just so happy about all of this!”

R' Herman paused for a moment and then responded:

“Imagine that you and your entire family set out on a journey with a set destination in mind. Your journey begins and continues for days, which slowly turn into weeks, months, and even years. After many, many years you finally arrive to your destination and the guard at the gate tells you, 'You can stand right here, right outside the gate, but you cant go inside.' Other people are passing by, permitted to enter, but you, after the entire treacherous journey, have to wait outside the gate.” He explained: “What is the kotel? What is it? It's great that we have it but it's really just a small piece of an outer wall on the outside of Har Habayis? It's true we have all come here together but we're still only on the outside."

Rav Machlis said that he started to cry and sat down and began to say Eicha and the Kinnos.

Rav Machlis said that he often tells his kids that if you think about it, when Moshiach comes, whats the kotel going to be? You'll have to show your kids some movie reel and pictures and tell them, “Look, this is where Jews came to daven for thousands of years.” And they probably wont understand. Why would you daven at this outside wall? Rav Machlis noted that they'll probably still be some token minyan of ten guys who will still daven there on Friday night just to remember the old days.

I think the teaching can be understood on many different levels, but I thought I'd share it.


Mitzvah Boy, we miss you and we're sorry we can't be there with you (or can we?) We'll be praying for you and the rebbetzin over here in Zion. Diller take video on your phone and email me some.

Next Shabbos is in the Old City but I'm sure much more will happen between then and now. Until then stay cool, stay indoors, and Shabbat Shalom from Beit Meir, supposed home of E.D.S.

(Also, I'm sorry the post is so long, but the benefit is twofold: 1) I can use the blog as my concise diary for this adventure and 2) At the same time give Sruli something to read.)


  1. ooooo.... weinberg forgets to put in dancing with rebbe reichman at the kotel. hope the rebbe doesn't check out the blog

  2. great post. this morning i was in bnei yeshurin in teaneck and i was walking from the coat racks by the beis medrash, over to the old main shul. then i hear "boo." i turn around, and it is chaim meir marcus. i said: what the heck are you doing here? That is where my story ends.

  3. ...and where mine begins! i also saw him before shacharis. he's here as a counselor in a local camp.

    (jdub - as always, excellent work [this style and breadth, is reminiscent of the purim posts]!)

  4. Please stop posting - it is distracting Sruli from his job as Rabbinic Intern.

  5. great stuff as usual jw. we'll miss you at the wedding.

  6. alicht- i expect you to be more medayeik in your imply that your story happened after sruli's (by saying "and where mine begins"), yet yours happened before sounds a little bit shady, im just trying to find out what really happened here....(and if you want to say that alicht went to a later minyan, thats also shveir, because the pashtus is that he was up early anyway after his obligatory motzei shabbos sleepover at the sheli house)

  7. zlou, we were both at the same minyan, and therefore, it could be that we both saw him before minyan, and i did first. so i do not see that there should necesarily be an issue over here.

  8. Srulli Nichamtanu, Srulli Nichamtanu...

  9. sruli- u mention that "it could be" that you both saw him before, we all know that lichtshein saw him before minyan and mistama YOU would know if YOU saw him before minyan, which makes your statement questionable. I agree with you in svara that what you describe COULD HAVE taken place, but its getting harder and harder for me to believe that that's actually what really just trying to get to the bottom of all this...

  10. the dean is correct. we must conclude.

  11. ...agreed we should definately conclude.

    (btw zlou - i was going over to hock with you after davening on shabbos but i saw Dan Leffel and since he's cooler than you i shmoozed with him instead)

  12. alicht- just to make one point clear....i was standing next to u not because i wanted to hock with you, but rather because I wanted to talk to Dan Leffel too- stop being such a cool guy hog
