Saturday, November 6, 2010

Minyan Anyone?

Monday morning Rosh Ḣodesh minyan anyone?
I assume around 7 o'clock start time. Comment if you're in. Don't be lazy.

A gutten chodesh!


  1. im down...

    did you know IKEA, some other store, and stockholm syndrome are from scandanavia...

  2. Also, there is hopefully gonna be a minyan tomorrow morning at Sulam Yaakov at 7 A.M. if you are interested. Also, now that the Americans finally changed back their clocks, you have an extra hour to get back to America if you wanna catch both the minyan in Yerushalayim and the Heights. You would almost certainly get a permanent place in Rav Simon's pitch for Sunday morning shiur- ahead of the current person who was in Yerushalayim for Shabbat but back in time for Sunday shiur.
