Wednesday, April 8, 2009

מיגון לשמחה ומאבל ליום טוב

While the past few days have been difficult ones as we davened, learned and fought for our dear chaver
דוד חיים יוסף בן צבי עקיבה ע''ה
it seems that the Ribono Shel Olam had different plans. We know that Hakadosh Baruch Hu certainly feels the pain of the family and our pain, as Dovid Hamelech wrote "עמו אנכי בצרה", that together with the Ribono Shel Olam we sit and cry.
But we must also realize that Hashem had this happen right before a Yom Tov for a reason and though we may feel an immense pain and lacking, Hakadosh Baruch Hu wants us to rejoice and continue to be בשמחה.

As we begin Pesach tonight, it's true that the marror will taste extra bitter this year but that only means we should try as best as we can to make sure that the charoses, the wine and the matzos are extra sweet.

May the Rottenstreich's and all of Klal Yisrael be comforted over this tremendous loss and may הקב''ה give us all the strength to continue to be בשמחה and rejoice this Pesach over the גאולת מצרים and the גאולה עתידה, may it come soon in our days.

!חג כשר ושמח


  1. As had as it is for any of this to sink in, it is even harder to understand why this happened and what to do thereafter. We may never know why such tzaros happen but it is not left up to us to ponder hashems ways. Hashem performs nissim nigluim but often k'vayachol acts in the nistar. What we can and should do is strengthen our emunah and avodas hashem for the future. The way to keep such a beautiful bachor's memory alive is to take upon ourselves to try our very hardest to improve ourselves. Whether it be refraining from loshon harah, learning extra sedarim, or waking up on time for minyan, these goals are all well within our reach. B'zchus dovid we can succeed in such goals and ultimately bring the geulah shleimah.

  2. *As hard as it is

  3. we'll sincerely miss you Rotty, a"h
