Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Return of the Stollel

The Stollel Shavuos

Schedule of Events:

Mincha: 8:00 P.M.
Pre-Ma'ariv Shiur: Putting the Neshama Back into the World
Bus Leaves for Har Sinai: Aprox. 9:00 P.M.

Leil Shavuos
Tikkun Leil Shavuos will be recited.
11:30 P.M. - R' Dovid'l Weinberg: Torah Before and After Mattan Torah
2:00 A.M. - R' M.T. Weinberg: Individuality in Torah and Avodas Hashem (w/ packets)

4:35 A.M. (Aprox.) - Shachris Start Up (Start Earlier or Later if you want)
5:28 A.M. - Neitz HaChamma

The rest of the schedule (Mincha, Ma'ariv Day 2) will be announced on Shavuos.
A Gut Yom Tov!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Brent a-Firelach!

Just a reminder - It is kdai for to zugg the teffilas HaShelah erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, but because this year Erev Rosh Chodesh is Shabbos the teffilah and the other tikkunei erev Rosh Chodesh should be done before SHABBOS (i.e. Thursday and/or Erev Shabbos Kodesh).
The teffilah focuses on der kinderlach as you will realize...
May Hashem grant us the opportunity to be successful in raising sons and daughters with Torah and Ahavas Yisrael b'Eretz Yisrael, and may the children of Yishuv Adar grow up to be ohavei Hashem and yirai Elokim who devote their lives to the will of the Lord.
ps: Happy Birthday to our own Moshe Uriel, may he be blessed to fulfill his personal mission in olam hazeh and merit to fabreng with Moshiach Tzidkainu in Olam HaBaah! Now!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Berditchev on my mind

-Shalom uVracha Friends and Stollel Brethren-
I hope and trust that all are doing well and that the kedushat haSHABBOS is still with you. Just "posting" to wish you and the rest of the nation haztlacha on finals (bein bruchnius bein bgashmius). As the zman comes to a close I bless you and me that we be successful in our efforts of being marbeh kvod shamayim together. As we know, Amalek attacks only when we leave mitzrayim, so I bless us that as we finish finals we are then able to add focus to our teffilot and effort to our sedarim in order that we may then enter the Land of Eretz Yisrael mitoch simcha as one!
...ויהי ידיו אמונה עד בא השמש
: ) the part-time poster רפאלאליעזר

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Stollel Wedding

All members of Israel are cordially invited
to the wedding of:

Dovid'l Weinberg
Rina Stavsky

Keter Torah Synagogue, Teaneck NJ

5:30 - Pre Chassan's Tish
6:00 - Chassan's Tish
7:00 - Chuppah


Rosh Stollel - Lag Bi'omer Message

While we lit up in the woods the Rosh Stollel delivered a shiur in Fair Lawn, NJ entitled:

Rashbi's Message to the World - Kindling the Bonfire Within

(The first three perakim of his annual Pirkei Avos shiur can be found here too.)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Rabbi Peretz Auerbach
lives in the Old Ctiy of Jerusalem and has been teaching Kabbalah and Chassidus for the past ten years. He is currently working on a translation and commentary of the Zohar.

10:30 P.M. this Wednesday night:
495 W. 186 Street
Apt. #6E

$5+ Donation Requested.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Lag Bi'Omer (Meiron/Worthington)

It's that time of year again!
There is still time to make it to Meiron but if you find yourself in New Jersey we're we're heading west for the:

2nd Annual Lag Bi'Omer Festival

We're looking for drivers so comment if you have a car that can take people.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

A family member of mine has a brain tumor and desperately needs a refuah shleima. His name is:
Chaim Fischel ben Fayga

I am trying to get Sefer Tehillim said every day over the course of the next month or so for his merit. If any of you can commit to saying Tehillim for him each day through Shavuot, please click the link below and put your name on the list next to the chapter(s) you can say.

Thank you and yasher koach,
Yosef Newman


Monday, May 4, 2009

Shushan Purim and Beyond (Part 2)

We stayed by Rav Machlis, learning Hilkhot Pesah for a while.

After various berahot and niggunim from the local rebbes we headed back to Sabari where he awaited to take us back to Bet Shemesh.
'Sabari, we want to go to the old city. We want to see Chaim Dovid.'
'No, no, no, the traffic is backed up. It will take at least an hour to get there.'
The Rebbe pointed out that from the fact that Sabari was being such a kelipa and trying to prevent us from ascending the Temple Mount to the home of Chaim Dovid, showed us just how important it was for us to go.
We convinced Sabari that he had to take us and it took us no less then 7 minutes to be inside the old city. We wandered the streets, making our way down Yerushalayim's small paths and alleyways to reach Chaim Dovid.

We got there, we stayed there for a while, we classicly davened ma'ariv overlooking Har Habayis. The rest of the story is good too but it is not meant for words and not really meant for the internet. It was there, at Chaim Dovid's, where Purim "ended" that night.
We had learned a lot throughout the past two days. We had experienced and seen so many different emotions and zones.
From the post megillah tish to the exploding chagiga, from Moshe Marcus to Moshe Levy, from goat-stealing-Na-Nachers to nose stealing J-Dillers, from the Amshinover to the elevator, and from Rav Machlis's to Chaim Dovids's.
They say that it used to be that the year began in Nissan, then they said the year began by Purim, but now...