Sunday, May 17, 2009

Berditchev on my mind

-Shalom uVracha Friends and Stollel Brethren-
I hope and trust that all are doing well and that the kedushat haSHABBOS is still with you. Just "posting" to wish you and the rest of the nation haztlacha on finals (bein bruchnius bein bgashmius). As the zman comes to a close I bless you and me that we be successful in our efforts of being marbeh kvod shamayim together. As we know, Amalek attacks only when we leave mitzrayim, so I bless us that as we finish finals we are then able to add focus to our teffilot and effort to our sedarim in order that we may then enter the Land of Eretz Yisrael mitoch simcha as one!
...ויהי ידיו אמונה עד בא השמש
: ) the part-time poster רפאלאליעזר