Monday, May 4, 2009

Shushan Purim and Beyond (Part 2)

We stayed by Rav Machlis, learning Hilkhot Pesah for a while.

After various berahot and niggunim from the local rebbes we headed back to Sabari where he awaited to take us back to Bet Shemesh.
'Sabari, we want to go to the old city. We want to see Chaim Dovid.'
'No, no, no, the traffic is backed up. It will take at least an hour to get there.'
The Rebbe pointed out that from the fact that Sabari was being such a kelipa and trying to prevent us from ascending the Temple Mount to the home of Chaim Dovid, showed us just how important it was for us to go.
We convinced Sabari that he had to take us and it took us no less then 7 minutes to be inside the old city. We wandered the streets, making our way down Yerushalayim's small paths and alleyways to reach Chaim Dovid.

We got there, we stayed there for a while, we classicly davened ma'ariv overlooking Har Habayis. The rest of the story is good too but it is not meant for words and not really meant for the internet. It was there, at Chaim Dovid's, where Purim "ended" that night.
We had learned a lot throughout the past two days. We had experienced and seen so many different emotions and zones.
From the post megillah tish to the exploding chagiga, from Moshe Marcus to Moshe Levy, from goat-stealing-Na-Nachers to nose stealing J-Dillers, from the Amshinover to the elevator, and from Rav Machlis's to Chaim Dovids's.
They say that it used to be that the year began in Nissan, then they said the year began by Purim, but now...


  1. wow can't believe u whipped out the yechi...and put it on the stollel! thats gutsy....i respect that yo

  2. ***BREAKING NEWS!!!***

    it appears as if our very own HaAdmor Shlit"a has been hanging out with A-ROD of the New York Yankees.

    Don't believe me?

    Follow the link below and look at the 1st sentence in the 4th paragraph.

  3. And some visited Rav Yoel!!!! Please do not forget that!

  4. nice alicht, love
    ( - that was for you, ben oded)

  5. gooooood shiaz. i'm proud of you. the omer is a good time to be metaken these things. its about time we stopped pouring the hatorade on alicht.

  6. alicht- good he'arah....but why is it that all of your comments are about shmad?

  7. zlou, why are all of your comments about either alicht or shamdT? chill

  8. mestama alicht often comments about shmadT because its the closest to yeshivish he can get (that would also explain why he seldom comments about zlou as well)

  9. ShiaZ- thank u for taking the joke in my comment (i.e. that I myself rarely comment on anything other than the admor) and removing any trace of humor from it.
    P.S. your lashon of "chill" specifically informs me that you took my coment seriously....

  10. if you guys want i can start my own blog

  11. but wouldn't that be a shtickle beigel-ish?

    (not to mention the impact on shidduchim)

  12. zlou, sarcasm is difficult to detect when written, unless its from alicht, and you still need to chill is general

  13. in case you guys are wondering, i've kidnapped the real Sruli and that's why he doesn't comment so much anymore.

  14. whoops - accidently spelled Imposter with an "o"

