Thursday, June 17, 2010

From the Heights to Jerusalem...You're Invited

בשם סטול ישראל

Thurs. June 17/Tammuz 5
Ramat Rachel in Yerushalayim
5:30: Stuff
6:30: Chuppah
7:30-Morning: More Stuff


Special Wedding Lineup:

And many many more...
And with this we part for now...


  1. Hey Chevra and JWein, Rebbe Reichman asked me to try to get a list together for the Sheva Brachos he's putting together so that we can organize location and food...
    JWein - if you think you'd be able to put out another message to the chevra that would be great,
    and whoever thinks they're comming; please post here so that we can know who to prepare for,
    Groy'se Skoyach, MAZAL TOV!

  2. sheva brachos will be in MTA basement
