Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Heading North...

Sorry for the lack of posts of late. Since Peretz's wedding I've kind of been on the run. From Yeshivat Shalabim to Jerusalem to Ramat Bet Shemesh to Meiron and now finally to Beis Meir...

The Stollel (E.Y. department) headed North on Sunday w/ HaRav's Mendel and Maz. Stop off points included:

1) Chabakuk (and his newly renovated mikveh)
2) Rebbe Shimon
3) R' Yochanan HaSandler
4) R' Tarfon
5) R' Yehuda bar Ilai
6) Hillel HaZakein vi'talmidav
and much more...

I made this simple video along the way. It's mostly landscapes out the car window on the way up. The kavanah behind it stems from an Archie comic I once read. Archie and Reggie were on the beach and they brought along a video camera in order to videotape whatever goes on at the beach (if you know what i'm sayin'). Why did they do this? Because come the winter months when the gang was stuck indoors, they would pull out these videos and recapture that sense of summer.

If ever a person finds themselves outside of Eretz Yisrael but are longing to be inside Eretz Yisrael, they can always pull up the video and on some level recapture that sense of the Land. You can put this one away for a rainy day.


  1. jw.. mamesh you should be blessed - love u so much yasher koach achi for the chizuk. SHIA zlotnik so good to cu that is your second rod trip in less than a month ....
    ps. jz maybe this year again ill pop up in random places...ha ha ha

  2. correction- ROAD TRIP

  3. holy shnikes!
    Archie & Reggie are pashut perverts!
