Monday, January 26, 2009

Exclusive Message: Staying Strong Outside the Stollel

Elisha has graced us with a heartfelt message of how to keep that Stollel flame burning now that we're outside the Stollel's walls...

    I am constantly facing opposition here in Yeshiva about my chassidic
ideas. The difficulty of this opposition is impossible to describe in
words, even if I had the ink of a thousand oil mines.
One guy has been watching me closely recently with a suspicious eye.
He sees me telling people about the Underground Chassidic Movement.
He's seen the secret hand signal which spells a "U," and then a "C"
which stands for "Underground Chassidim." I even once told him the
whole plan hoping to share with him the beauty of the wellsprings of
Chabad, Breslov, Kook, and Carlebach, but I'm starting to sense that
that was also a backwards step. He's constantly asking me: "So you're
a Chassid? You think you're a Tzaddik?"
I try to tell him: "Listen, I've been in Olam Hazeh for about 20
years now, and I just haven't seen such sweet teachings before in my
life. Every time I'm feeling down and lost, I just open a book about
Reb Noson (Rebbe Nachman's main student), or I play a Carlebach song,
or story, and soon enough, I'm back on the right track."
But his aim, I feel, isn't for truth, it's to degrade. As if I've
just spoken Japanese, he repeats: "So you think you're a tzaddik… I
think I found my answer."
What can I tell you, Chevra. The hearts of our brothers are very
closed. We're not working fast enough! People are in too much despair
to believe in the teachings of the true tzaddikim, like Reb Shlomo.
Sometimes it gets really tough being a lone, undercover Chassid,
behind enemy lines. As a matter of fact, just a couple of minutes ago,
I was in my room, thinking about easing up a bit on my Chassidic
devotions, when suddenly, I spotted a bottle of scotch on the table.
There was only a little bit of L'chaim left in there.
I fondly recalled Josh Weinberg's shiur on L'chaims which he gave in
the Stollel Tamid. And all of a sudden, I was hit with the
realization: why not take the Stollel with me Tamid, Always.
The same happy state of mind of warmth and care which ran through the
air of the Stollel… I could recreate that atmosphere in my mind, and
try to spread it to other people that weren't zocheh to spend time at
the Stollel. I took a little scotch in my cup, and raised it: "to the
tzaddik, Rebbe Nachman, who gave us precious tips on how to bring
Redemption to ourselves and the world."
I made a blessing, "…She'Hakol Neiyah Bi'dvaro," and as I was
drinking it, the modern-day misnaged walked into my room.
"Were you drinking scotch?" He asked.
"Yeah. Maybe I was." I replied.
"But that's Binyomin's scotch."
"So you stole his scotch? That's Assur."
"Fine. See I told you I wasn't a tzaddik. I'm just a desperate
criminal at the end of his pitiful road – trying to pull himself out
of darkness through the teachings of Rebbe Nachman."
"But you stole."
This time I remained silent.
"I don't chop [yiddish for "understand"]," he stated. This continued
for a while. Siggghhhhhh. Chevra, all I can say is: take it one day at
a time. L'chayim.


  1. Elisha - Should I kill him?

  2. l'chayim tovim... ul'shalom!

  3. But you stole, that is a Chillul Hashem!


  5. Elisha the holy thief-
    Sounds like that guy needs the l'chaim more than you... Keep it nanach brother

  6. in case anyone pays attention and picks up the clues, the mitzvah boy is extremely clever in his commenting

  7. Once again, Anonymous @ 6:57 - why don't you go find a copy of Dvar Malchus to rip apart?

  8. ...unless that's you Mitzva Boy, in which case, Ashrecha.

  9. good old anonymous at 6:57- going down in history as the most infamous commentor we have ever experienced.

  10. it was not me, Lichtschein get your clues straight, and I love Elisha.

  11. My beautiful friend, Anonymous @6:57,
    You're absolutely right. I messed up. I messed up big time. Hashem was revitalising me at every moment and what did I go ahead and do with the life he was giving me? I went ahead and corrupted his sweet precious world.
    Please, Please, Tattee, give me one more chance. I know I messed up, but I'm trying to grow. The Galus got to me, and I did wrong.
    But, my sweet friend, Anonymous @6:57, I just wish you would have rebuked me in a nicer way. Maybe you could have said: "Elisha, I know you're having a rough time, and you seem like a very sweet yid. And chassidis is beautiful. But, you also have to keep the regular halachas, and that includes not stealing. May Hashem bless you..."
    But, instead, you just wrote: "you stole and that's a chillul Hashem." You probably didn't mean to hurt my feelings. And you probably wrote it solely for the honor of Hashem.
    But, I have to tell you, you're note only made me fall into deeper Yeiush.
    But then came, Reb Levite Schlleper, and said, I was "a holy theif," and it gave me my neshoma back - it made me believe in my own holiness again. That deep down inside, I only want to do good.
    So I bless, my sweet neshoma, Anonymous @6:57, that you should keep spreading the name of Hashem, not with a sharp word, but with love and patience, until all of the holy theifs, become holy Jews, shomer Torah, and Mitzvot.
    G-d Bless... G-d bless.

  12. Sorry guys for causing all the contraversy, anon@6:57 was me. (only on this one, I am not the one from JBV).
    I love Elisha as well, there is nothing I enjoy more then waking up on the couch and seeing him accross the room from me.
    You can have my scotch any time you want.

  13. we still love you couch yid

  14. wait... couch yid- did you say that you have scotch? If yes, does your deal apply to me as well?

  15. Sruli....your pashut amazing! you just gave huge simcha to me, shneir zalman and diller as i read your post out loud in my room. you know sometimes my laugh can get pretty crazy, well...thats what happened. thanks a lot, keep up the good work
