Friday, January 30, 2009

The Avodah of Shevat

As the Queens and Washington Heights-branches of the Underground Chassidic Movement continue to slowly and subtly slip Stollel like behavior into "normal" society (i.e. intense clapping, spontaneous rikudim and niggunim...), our Rosh Kollel, R' Moshe Tzvi has been on the streets in an attempt to rejuvinate the Bergen County base.

This past Thursday night, R' Moshe gave a shiur in Bergenfield entitled "The Avodah of Shevat: Thawing out Frozen Trees." The shiur can be found HERE for those who wish to listen. Note the shout out to the Stollel about ten minutes in.



  1. wow - Rav MTW really, really, really, liked that Ma'ariv.

    (also listen for that "little bit" reference while Rav MTW speaks about the Stollel)

    water drawing ceremony . . .

  2. Chevra- we should all come together and fabrang in a deep way for tu beshvat. maybe Holy brother HaRav Moshe Tzvi will lead the festivities. It's important to do it big for the trees and water and strengthen the roots. And R' Shlomo says that the whole winter is really just hachana for purim. Lets be bekesher on this. Keep it nanach...
