Rosh Chodesh Elul Stollel

This Thursday Night the Stollel Returns...
Location: The Stollel Headquarters (The Stokars)
Schedule of Events:
8 P.M. Beis Midrash Opens
9 P.M. Optional Shiur by the Rosh Stollel, HaRav MTW*
"Torah as the Teshuva of Elul"
10 P.M. Stollel Ma'ariv
Post Ma'ariv - Continued Learning in the Beis Midrash
Friday, Elul 1, 5769
There will G-d willing be a Happy Shachris/Mussaf Minyan at Roemer in Teaneck...
7:30 A.M.
Learning, Davening, and everything we do will be for the zechus of the speedy recovery of our dearest chaver
רפאל אליעזר בן רינה רייזל
* For those interested, HERE IS A LINK to the shiurim the Rosh Stollel delivered over the Summer 5769 on a variety of topics.
Rosh Chodesh Elul, 5768
Can you believe that this was already a year ago?
Rosh Chodesh Elul, 5768
Can you believe that this was already a year ago?
o sams wedding, nice, was that video from motzei Shabbos or motzei wedding?
ReplyDeletewhat happened to Rafi ?
ReplyDeletemotzei shabbos
ReplyDeletedoes anybody know if there is gonna be free parking at the yu orientation days?
ReplyDeleteI can believe it was a year ago (although i STILL can't believe it's not butter!)