Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Chazara b'zechus Refael Eliezer

There will be a quick chazara session of the halachos we have been studying for the zechus of a refuah sheleimah for Raffi tomorrow...

Thursday: August 27

12:20 - In Room with Machines near Muss Classrooms

Grab Lunch if you want before


  1. chazak vematz chevreh- u guys are really special .bzchut the torah and teffilahs hashem should send our brother Raffi - refuah shlema .
    Rav Adas told me that if we are mrbe chesd and rachamim to others hashem will do the same for our dear brother raffi.
    love u guys- and miss u a lot

  2. The Guy Who Left The Chabura Early TodayAugust 27, 2009 at 4:01 PM

    once again, sorry about that
