Thursday, October 8, 2009

Happy Minyan - Hoshana Rabbah Ed.

It's your last chance...

Hoshana Rabbah Minyan

Note the New Start Time: 7 A.M.
East Hill Synagogue
Englewood N.J.

Spread the Word

The East Hill Synagogue has ordered 25 extra hoshanos for our gathering, so assume that you can get there.

It is an unfortunate trait of human nature that a person feels it is sufficient to have done only a part of what was required of him. However this is not enough. Hoshana Rabbah represents the culmination of a process that begins on Rosh Chodesh Elul and encompasses Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Succos. It is the process of teshuva. It is a time that is supposed to bring us nearer to Hashem. On Hoshana Rabbah, as this time draws to a close, we take hold of the aravos alone, with no smell and no taste, in order to emphasize that very often, it is those who are the furthest removed that have the greatest sensitivity to their faults and are prepared to try and rectify them. (R' Reuven Laufer)

A Gut Moed to one and all...



    found this is voz iz niez

  2. those ataras are really tough to wear

  3. Shmad (no "t"), you beat me to it.... but most importantly, u reminded all of us the low part to that song!!!!! its been killing me!!! shkoyach, and i hope to see u in vizhnitz this yumtif

  4. Gevalt!

    Do you have more clips? I need to find that heimishe niggun...
