Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy Minyan - Sukkos Ed. (Part 1)

Minyan Tomorrow:

1st Day of Chol HaMoed

East Hill Synagogue
8:00 A.M.

Potential Guest Rosh Yeshiva


  1. sorry i couldn't attend - how was?

  2. Sohn, your not a guest. I'm petty sure I've seen you at many happy minyans before

  3. Hey Chevra,
    Think we can get a simchas beis ha'shoeva somewhere one of these CH days?

  4. Oh, and ShiaW - here's a good quote from the Salmud if you're needing of one. Not so much comparing us to Goyim, but good nonetheless:

    k'd'amrei inshei, shaliach artil v'sayeim maasaaney, ka mashma lan. (Sotah 8b)

    Or, for my namesake...

    Kol adam she'yeishbo Torah v'ein bo yiras shamayim domeh l'gizbar shemasru mafteichis hapenemiyos u'mafteichis hachitzoniyos lo masru lo. (Shobbas 31a-b)
