Thursday, October 1, 2009

Stollel Update...

Some Stollel members ventured up to the Pocono's for a night and day. During the day Srulii and I ventured out to explore the local grounds.

It was cold and so we bundled up, figuring that we would return within the hour. We began by following a paved path around the giant lake, assuming that it would go full-circle and end up back at the house where we were based.

When the path suddenly ended...

we were faced with two options:

1) Turn around, go back, and take the road that we had already traveled
2) Go through the thick woods hoping to find a way out on the other side

Being the adventurers that we are we went forward, into the thicket.

Two hours later we were still in the woods.

Our food supply was running low and so was the food supply of local Pocono bears. We were forced to eat berries and mushrooms that we found along the way.

We went deeper into the woods, finally understanding what it means to be lost in the forest.

Making our way through the thicket and swimming through the wetlands, fighting off snakes, scorpions, and bears

we found our salvation in the clearing, still alive to tell the tale.



There has been an expressed interest in getting a minyan for Arbit on the nights of Sukkos. I assume we will certainly have one or two during Chol HaMoed, and an expected gathering in the Queens Headquarters sukkah, but if anyone is around for Ma'ariv on Yom Tov comment below.

Updates for Sukkos Events will be posted throughout Sukkos.


US & THEM 5770

We are looking for a new idea for US & THEM 5770

If you recall last year we came up with the following poster for Sukkos:

We need a clever idea and all thoughts should be posted below. Ideally a quote from the Talmud and a clever idea along with it comparing us and them. The trick is thinking of something very goyish.


We may post again before tomorrow but if not...
A gut Yom Tov to one and all!


  1. wow josh i really like the bracelet you were wearing when you had to fight that bear

  2. nice find, mitzvah boy.
    i'm around as well

  3. that was sruli fighting the bear

  4. you sure? sruli always wears his bracelets on his right hand

  5. we're looking at a tuesday night farbrengen in the sohn house queens sukkah. however, we are pretty flexible if anyone has any other plans

  6. not if i have anything to do with that

  7. i would love a yom tov davening - i think chol hamoed is a given (biezras Hashem)...
    gut pitom to one and all!

  8. Keter Torah is interested in hosting a happy minyan one/all days of Chol Hamoed

  9. East Hill is an option also. we should really try to get shacharis every day of chol hamoed. the other minyanim around here are not pashut

  10. also rosh yeshiva rav reichman will probably be around and will probably be feeling it

  11. Hi everyone this is rabbi teitz. Not if I have anything to do with it. You hear?

  12. hi josh....(look across the table...wink!)
    your brother
