Converstaions about the Stollel have started to peek up again as we near the one year anniversary of our underground movement.
The following three conversations were had/overheard by various members of the Stollel community:
(Guest post from Srulii)
I bumped into one of the guys from the main beis medrash here at YU. he asked me what I was going to be doing for break and I told him that I am gonna be in Teaneck.
He responded: "Bein Hasemestarim," implying that I should stay in YU and partake of the between semesters learning program.
I said: "I am doing Frollel."
"What's Frollel?"
"The kollel in Dr. Friedman's basement."
He was confused. "Who's Dr. Friedman?"
"The gevir of the Stollel."
"Okay I'm confused."
I then went to the restroom, where I was headed in the first place. I thought that the encounter was really funny.
Another conversation was overheard by a Stollel member while working on the fifth floor of the library. This is his version of the conversation. (Through a strange series of events, I later found out who this conversation was between and I can't assure that this is exactly as it happened.)
Girl: Do you know what this Strollel thing is?
Boy: What?
Girl: Yea, I was searching through these blogs and I found this Stollel, Strollel Tamid...
Boy: I think it's like a new type of chassid
Girl: Because they have like this whole plan to sleep one night in the library and I so want to do that too.
After a separate Stollel-related prank in the library (stay tuned for more info.) an onlooker of the aformentioned prank said in reference to the Stollel members who were involved:
"Wow. I so want to be Chabad right now."
The word is spreading...