Shalom to all...
I have been busy doing things and have not had a chance to check the blog, to update the blog, or read it's comments until recently. I noticed a bit of commotion in the previous post and took the liberty to remove it.
From now on the comments will return to the old fashion Stollel comments.
How do I know you ask?
As follows: We will see if comments get out of hand again. If they do we will make a member system where only official members will be able to comment. Or I will moderate comments. Not sure yet.
Who will be granted membership you ask?
Basically anybody who is not a jerk.
So no cursing or posting under anyone elses names (shevatim not included).
jwein- you're like my night in shining armor
ReplyDeleteSounds great!
ReplyDeleteHey chevra! Regards from yerushalayim. happy yud/yud alef Shvat. Just a reminder to say parshas haman in beshalach TODAY (tuesday) shnayim mikra and targum. We all know the segula from reb Mendel Riminov regarding parnasa.
ReplyDeletesounds great, regards chevra
ReplyDeletehow much is membership???
ReplyDeleteramchal thanks for the reminder
ReplyDeleteperhaps if we had some serious quality posts like a full stollel recap then people would be better behaved - i think the behavior is very much linked to the quality of the overall blog (or in technical terms the blogliness factor).
ReplyDeleteAre beards required for membership?
ReplyDeleteno but they are encouraged.
ReplyDeleteShiaW- as usual, you prove to be the man.
ReplyDeletei just think some people werent hugged enough as children so if i may say- jw. should require each member to give just one hug to those who need to be hugged and maybe then people will get along.
ReplyDeleteps/ alot of people in YU were for sure not hugged as children!!!!!
ReplyDeleteyour halarious sruli
i don't usually like to speak lashon harah, but that roovain guy was a disaster.
ReplyDelete@last poster: PLEASE JUST LET IT DIE!
ReplyDeletena to the nach to the judah mischel
ReplyDeletebest case scenario. sruli is roovain. and with that and thanks to ramchal
ReplyDeletestop bringing me into this
ReplyDeleteI VERY VERY VERY strongly agree with "Ang Payosa"
ReplyDeleteIn fact, I would be honored if Mr. Roovain would continue to grace us with comments.
Lets all get along and enjoy the wonderful bliss of shalom and g-ds good graces.
Love you Roovain!
beards are the new kippa
ReplyDeletethank you anonymous, if it wasn't for you i would consider converting, as all of these jews have been terrible to me and have represented judaism as a religion based on hatred and jealously.
ReplyDeletecheese choker- chazak
ReplyDeleteif you think that was chazak wait till you see the Cheese Choker riff Motzai Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Yisro. Tickets are going fast! So hurry!
ReplyDeletephew....thanks jw
ReplyDeletecheese choker management - what do you mean
ReplyDeleteYoure a good guy roovain
ReplyDeletewho says roovain is a guy????????????????
ReplyDeleteWhat's good boyz?
ReplyDeletere: CC "beards = the new kippa" - payos too. but most importantly, the hug factor. to be a member one must hug. all jews of his/her gender. at all times. even during classes. especially during classes. hugs to non jews are cool too. :-)