Sunday, January 10, 2010

Shiurim from Stollel 5770

All shiurim from the Stollel 5770 should be available on the Rosh Stollel's downloading website.


  1. The files will be in the audio folder, just right click to download - i apologize for not posting anything yet - stay tuned tomorrow for new postings...

  2. @ alitch - where has nodacam been? he hasn't posted in a while?

  3. @ Couch Yid: good thing your asking me (Alexei Itchtkowitz a.k.a alitch)and not alicht.

    i think nodacam's married, and he was at a wedding last night (collar-pull!)

  4. @couch yid: where in this weeks parsha do we find the stollel? (alicht you can answer this too if you please)

    @alicht: why the collar-pull??

  5. Things going well over there at Friedman's house chevra?

  6. I thought stollel was supposed to be a chasidish gathering.
    Since when do chasidim start an 8 o'clock shacris at 8 o'clock?
    Not very heimish...

  7. news is i can make it thursday for a little bit....mamash a little bit....any way to start davening later? maybe say 10/11?

  8. @nodacam: "Odcha MISTOLLEL Ba'ami"

  9. We need rain chevra~
    Rabbi Amar called on all those who care about the continued presence and success of Jews in the Land of Israel to fast and pray on Thursday, the 28th day of Tevet. Those who have difficulty fasting, he says, should fast at least half the day. He also encouraged Jews to congregate in synagogues to say Selichot (penitence) prayers and Psalms.


  11. Shalom from Yerushalayim!!! I really miss the chevra and hope you all arrive real soon taykef umeeyad mamash with all of Am Yisroel!! kol tuv. If anyone wants me to bring something back if i ever return other than water from the ari mikva that i am already bringing let me know. Keep Shteiging

  12. Hey Chevra! Just returned from the Holy Land this morning with the Mrs and am IY"H leaving to LA Thursday night leaving a small window of Frollelage either today or tomorrow morning. Would anybody know of ride(s) going to and fro the Heights? It would be Mamesh really groovy to drink in some of the Ruach with you guys and make the transition into Chutz L'Aretz a little less painful. Kol Tuv LeOlam VaEd!

  13. I just want to publicly thank josh zlotnick for all of his hard work and dedication this week. He has put together an incredible program. He is a real mensch is every single way!
