Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Pause for Station Identification...

As Chodesh Nissan is upon us, I have determined that the only way to appropriately attempt to clean out and prepare my soul and mind for Pesach is to just stay away from the world of blogging, the world of Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace...

And so we at Kollel Tamid, surely to the chagrin of our loyal auditors, pause for station identification and take a temporary (who knows - maybe permanent) break from these things. Join The Stollel Challenge as we try, for just 13 days, to stay away from all of the aforementioned websites and obstacles to our daily living. Somehow, this has actually become a difficult test for us but perhaps with the joined efforts of the Stollel community we will be able to accomplish this together.

Wishing one and all a chag kasher vi'sameiach. May we merit to join together and rejoice in Jerusalem way before the 14th of Nissan and may our collective efforts be pleasing in the eyes of the Creator.


  1. Please do not stop posting. This website is an imperative for the finall tikkun.

  2. The Stollel blog allows me to stay connected to my brethren all over the world and heights. Dont stop the blog, if anything post more about ways to "prepare my soul and mind for Pesach." The blog is a tool for me to look at and remember great times, great Jews, and the great kesher between the two. Just look at the enormous number of viewers, posts, and comments, people love the Stollel blog. If getting prepared for Pesach is the overall goal then continue to post and aid the rest of am yisroel achieve this madreiga. Thanks.

  3. Does this break apply to as well?

  4. I think the first two commentors may be correct.But yes a break from the other websites is probably very beneficial.

  5. Shalom Chaverim
    Is there gonna be a Stollel/Frollel for Pesach Zman??

  6. just wanted to share that there is a guy here working on the sam eclient as me and his name is adam pomerantz......
