Thursday, April 29, 2010

בר יוחאי נמשחת אשריך

Shalom Friends!

With the help of Heaven I will be heading North this Motzei Shabbat Kodesh to take part of a Jewish gathering in Meiron. It's times like this when our list (to the left) "BiShem Stoll Yisrael" will be helpful and I will hopefully pray for one and all. I hope you will pray for me too. If anyone has specific names of those in need of tefillos please comment below and I will attempt to create certain kabbalistic intentions in their merit. If one feels, for some reason, uncomfortable posting in a public forum but wants to do send an email (jweinberg55@gmail) I'll hopefully check before Shabbat.

Enjoy Swan Lake!


  1. מיכאל בן יהודית מרים - Michael Wachs from phili, he's fighting cancer.

    Shkoyach r' JWein

  2. Chaya Meira Mindel BAS Chava Golda: she's a holy sister is fighting cancer. also here is a sign up sheet for tehilim for her... She mamesh need all the tephelos in the world
    Ashercha Rebbe and a gutten shabbos,
