Sunday, May 2, 2010

ואמרתם כה לחי, רבי שמעון בר יוחאי

It's been a long day. We didn't leave Beit El until well into the night and so by the time we returned to the yeshiva, the night was well underway. I jumped in a cab, headed to Ramat Beit Shemesh, were the buses were leaving from outside the bakery. 'Women in the back,' was the call of the night and so I was comfortably seated next to a hasidic fellow and a bunch of the children from the Yehiva. "Is it true there is unlimited free beer?" the children kept asking. I told them, "I don't know. Go to sleep."

The entire country was up in flames as we drove up North and the smell of bonfire was taken in with every deep breath. I fell asleep on the way up and was awoken as we pulled up to the "biggest Jewish party" of the year. The cacophony of sounds, blends of Yechi HaMelech and Na Nach was enough to give you goosepimples (reference anybody?) I received a complimentary Chai Rottel shoko and mezonos-roll and proceeded up the hill and through the shakedown. It was late, somewhere in the late 3's maybe early 4's, and so I knew I had to move fast.

K...I'm kind of tired so I'm not gonna write anymore. I'll just tell you highlights (plus I made you a video at the end):

1) Kever of Hillel HaZakein and his students...very good
2) Big bon-fire out back...very good
3) Petel from the tap...gets me every time
4) Entrance to the tzion area (I didn't feel like pushing all the way in this time)
5) Lost my skullcap that I've had since highschool - I hope it goes to a good cause
6) Shacharis is always great up there (R' Willig pointed out to me interestingly that Lag BaOmer can fall on erev Shabbos or motzei Shabbos but never on Shabbos...can you imagine if everybody had to get a Torah to lain. That's how you know the Ribono Shel Olam was maskim to this holiday)*
7) It took me a very long time to finally find out how to get to the bus back to RBS

With heavenly assistance it all worked out and a good time was had by all. I had my camera in my bag and pulled it out as the night was winding down and took some video's and pictures. Put together a little somethin' somethin'. A little taste of the North...

Let me know how Swan Lake went.

Until next time...

*The original text of this post said that 'it can never fall on Monday, Thursday, or Shabbos.' R' Chaim Soloveitchik told me at Mincha today that he read the latest post and that its not true. Lag BaOmer can fall on Thursday, though it hasn't happened in about twelve years. Interestingly, what this means for a misnagid is that perhaps the Ribono Shel Olam was not maskim.


  1. I believe I spotted mussa berlin for a sec. did you see the length of that child's sidelocks?
    gr8 video. thanks. SL was good, but not like that.

  2. thank you so much for that chizuk JWein!

  3. "goosepimples" - R' Mitchell Orlian

    Stollel 2.0 Shavuos . . .?

  4. @ alicht- of course stollel 2.0 shavuos.
    @ jwein- swan lake was great, b'H. highlights: over 40 Jews at each meal, friday night was amazing, flowing vodka + shneur zalman baron = hilarious, S-HN was there, all night BBQ & bonfire was strong, but as srulii said to me the other day no matter how good we could've done in in swan lake its nothing compared to wat merion is

  5. shiaZ..... by merion do you mean lower merion, PA? I had no idea that they have a strong lag b'omer situation down there. Wow- shkoyach to the Weinberg and Pomerantz mishpochos for having a tremendous hashpa'ah on the well-known Philly suburb!

  6. @shiaz- why is flowing vodka a good thing? just curious, i didnt know it was a mitzvah to drink alcohol. just asking.

  7. zlou - excellent.
    lander's guy - why even try?

  8. @josh w., lander's guy has a point. the torah describes drinking as one of the worst things a person can do. we have to make sure that we aren't being influenced by the society that we live in where drinking is taken for granted. does vodka really fit with kedoshim tihyu? just something to think about...

  9. Lander's guy who may I add doesn't condemn an occasional drinkMay 4, 2010 at 7:01 PM

    @ drinker, you nailed it on the head. for years i have been emphasizing that very point. some food for thought.

  10. טוֹב-לֵב, מִשְׁתֶּה תָמִיד

    -Shlomo Ha'Melech


  11. Chazal say ein simcha ela b'vasar v'yayin.
    Man, if only they had gone to Lander's, they might have had a different perspective....

  12. @zlou, I'm surprised at you. a) ein simcha specifically applies to simchas yom tov, it has nothing to do with shabbos, b) notice the word yayin and not whiskey, c) ein simcha etc. has nothing to do with getting drunk or even the slightest bit tipsy. All it means is that wine brings a person simcha in the same way that meat does. Meat is enjoyable even though it doesn't get you tipsy. It's supposed to be the same way by wine. That's how Chazal approached drinking. Our approach has been affected by the way the goyishe world approaches drinking.

  13. I might be reading in to much but does this mean Reishit didn't take the guys to meiron?

  14. Drinker-

    A cursory reading of the relevent rabbinic sources regarding acohol comsuptions renders a more complex perspective. Sometimes the Gemara has bad things to say about drinking and other times it has amazing things about drinking. (not just wine, but chamra, which can be translated as any alcoholic beverage, like the quote chamra vreychanin pkichin- alcoholic drink and good smells make one wise)

    If you want to see a good compilation of gemmaras on drinking - see pri tzadik shlach 15, lechlcha 3 and 4. There some really cool drinking gemmaras there. Eiruvin 76b has a good quote showing different possibilities.

    I understand if one has rebbeim who say its not good to drink, but we should realize and respect that there are many amazing tzadikim, namely many chassidic, who teach that big tikkunim happen when yidden come together and have lechaims, namely the choize of Lublin, reb naftali of rupschitz, reb pinchos kuritzer, the rizhiner, the lubavitcher rebbe and many more. Which are good enough sources in my opinion (even though they have good gemmaras to back themselves up anyway).
    I can't check what I wrote above because I am using a handheld device that won't allow me. Hope everything I wrote above makes sense
    Peace and blessings

  15. @drinker- a)can i get wasted on yumtif? b) who said anything about whiskey???? it was VODKA......, c)you've obviously never had harvey wallbanger steak...that stuff will take you to a new world.....
    in conclusion.....this is not a halachic discourse, i was just trying to make fun of you. please dont take it as anything more than that.

  16. @Ron Swaboda- "there" should actually be "their"

  17. this is messed....
    also im also curious bout wat anonymous @12:31 asked
