Friday, May 28, 2010

Week in Review...

Mazal Tov to all of our Graduates!

May you be zocheh one day to don these outfits again as you are sworn into the United States Supreme Court.

This weeks Torah class has been sponsored in your honor!


A number of people have told me to watch this video because they stole our idea.

It has one million hits but i really don't think it was funny. If people understood who Moshe Levi was, we would also probably have a million hits. We are living in an upside down world.
Also, a few Shabbosim ago when we were in Beit El, we stayed at the high school there, Bnei Tzvi. They have all these pictures of their graduating classes and I took some pictures of look-a-likes. I couldn't post them then because i didnt know how to get them off my phone. But this week i figured out how to do it. I showed them to one person and he didnt hear any of my calls.

See if you can guess who is who. (The third one is a combination of two people - one Stollelnick and one not - though they were both at Stollel Purim. It's a long shot.)




Finally, anyone who is coming to the big wedding in the Mid East, please bring two bags so you can carry books back for me. Sounds selfish? It is.

K. A gutten Shabbos to one and all!


  1. 1. clearly schluss-bus.....i like seeing the otoboos with peyos!!!!!
    2. looks a lot like a guy i know, but you dont know him, so its probably not him (he also reminds me of a cartoon character but i cant put my finger on which one)
    3. good old zachy P for ya after putting on a few pounds

  2. 1) pashut bus
    2) GID
    3) ZP and Saltzman?

    also i could bring two bags but i u

  3. Vadai Bus
    A young Eitan P?

  4. 1) gonna be honest, didn't see the bus till everyone else called it, but now i see it.
    2) zev?
    3) i think i got this on. combo of a slightly heavier ZP HaLevi and (non-stollelnick but attender of purim seudah) michael adler

  5. Its crazy how they call themsleves a ligit improv group when they just rip off ideas!!!!

  6. congratulations to all of our winners...
    Zachary - for the first mention of the bus
    jd - for the first gid mention
    shiaz/zlou combo - for the michael adler zp mashup

    (the gidding one gets me every time)

  7. you're all crazy I look absolutely nothing like that Jew..... but I'm glad it gets you everytime jwein

  8. wow- sorry i didn't get my votes in on tinme.

    ( is it just me, or is anyone else wondering how the heck did those African-American college students not clock those "ghosts" the second they saw them??? that video is PASHUT racist, wow)

  9. haftr 8th grader with red yarmulkahMay 30, 2010 at 2:57 PM

    dude you should have punched those things.

  10. rabbossai - VERY IMPORTANT: THIS JUST IN...

  11. No G.I.D, ypu look exactly like that jew

  12. Well, I dunno bout that ShiaZ. She's clearly holding on to the toy shopping cart. You call that walkin?

    Also, I bet my bottom dollar she can't say 'Zohar'.
