Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Checking In (Part 2)...

Tomorrow will be my two-week mark since arriving on this ancient soil. I figured I'd check in and tell you whats been going on around here. I'm going to write in short hand because it's a little late.
The truth is, I don't get lonely or miss anybody because everybody is already here!
(I laugh every time I see this one)


Things that have changed since my day:

1) Same amount of hock, less amount of bahock.

2) Only the ladies in blue can use the elevator.

3) Real silverware and plates instead of paper and plastic.

Advantages of being a madrich:

1) I have a window in my shower.

2) I get to wake people up in the morning and choose the music. I'm very gentle.

3) I get to use Dicky's special coffee machine.

Usually I wake up third floor, but the other day I had a little extra time so I made my way down to the second floor. I woke up the kids in 203 and asked the kid in the corner if he realized that Diller once slept in this bed. He said: 'Who's Diller?' and so I left.

The guy next to me in the beis keeps asking people if they want to learn about kelipos.

For most hours, though not so much in the morning, I usually hang out in one of the back classrooms which is empty all day. I have a giant plastic cup which I fill with ice and then water from the water machine and it can last me an entire afternoon.

(I included a regular cup in the picture so you can understand my jumbo-cup proportionately)


I find that it's much easier to focus in Eretz Yisrael and so I sometimes get frustrated (not openly) with the youngens who seem to waste much time. But then I recall my days spent here as a bachur and find myself easily relating. I keep recalling a teaching from R' Zusha who would say: "I don't long to receive my reward in olam ha'bah for that avodah I did when I knew the truth and greatness of Hashem Yisbarach but I long to receive reward for that which I served Hashem before knowing, with simple emunah, based solely on that which I received." I know that I am far from "knowing His truth and His greatness" but on some level its and experience to look back and recognize the beauty of the simplicity of a shana-aleph mentality.


In other news...

צדיק בא לעיר

K, we'll end with a little trivia:
1) What is the imagery on all four stain glasses?
2) Each dorm is dirah followed by a certain place in Eretz Yisrael. What place is the madrich room?
3) Who is the current administrator of alumni affairs?
4) What is the real name of the makolet?

Also, Alicht can you email me.

Until next time...


  1. A reishit jew by the name of Yehonason JeromeMay 5, 2010 at 4:14 PM

    1) various photos of israel, trees and such
    2) dirat yafo perhaps?
    3) Rav Yosef Bronfeld
    4) super hatzlacha!!!

  2. thanks for the visual shout out-

    1)i know, but too much detail to write ina
    2)Dirat Chevron
    3)R' Y. (Le)Bronfeld
    4)Jerome got it-

    (also, @ Bedek B - i'll email you [hopefully it's about you having another eitzah about how we can stop "you-know-who"{but we should also meet with R' Kalinsky about it!}])

  3. josh- according to most commentaries i think you are still a bachur unless there is something we dont know about

  4. @ ShiaW - my bad. the madrich room is Dirat Tzfat (Chevron is downstairs)

  5. Shmad- like youd be surprised if J-Wein has been married all this time..... wouldnt shock me at all.....but this would be a hilarious way to tell us

  6. @alicht i think that it was originally dirat chevron, but when eliyahu dov shur moved in five years aga, it became dirat tzfat.

  7. I am way behind in my blogging.
    1) I had no idea that J wien was in israel.
    2) @A reishit jew by the name of Yehonason Jerome said... - was in 7th grade when I was in 12th... I think its time to get married, even though according to some commentaries I am married and today is my wifes Bday.

  8. @Couch Yid- sruli's about 5 foot 6

  9. tonight farbrengn after night seder around 11ish
    place tbd. either rubin shul or the mta lunch place ALL ARE WELCOME EVEN VIA SKYPE FOR YOU J.W.

  10. i got Q 1
    back left--geula (bridge to staten island, bird..)
    bak rite- moadim? -has a shofar, mayb just rosh hashana..this cud be front left also
    theres prob. a yerushalayim one.
    thaas all i got
    hows mussar been?

  11. one of the windows is a shabbos theme, and another one has the sfiros thing in it, although when modern people come they say its some chemistry/physics thing and it represents Torah u'madah

  12. As my rebbe rav zlou said: to my recollection (and it really has been a long while):
    1. back right is Torah: the sefiros (nistar), with a sefer/megilla (torah she'bichsav) and that talmud bavli (torah she'baal peh) thing in the background
    2.Front right -is shabbos with symbols for the tefillos haYom
    3. back left is mashiach stuff: the gothals, an eagle, etc.
    4. front left; is beis hamikdash, menorah, mizbeach
    -wow i have to go back haven't been there in like 6 years
