Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Extreme Machlis Makeover

Yesterday on NCSY Stollel was Yom Hessed. One of the options as arranged by Witty was to do Extreme Machlis House Makeover. There were many broken things around the house (bookshelves, windows, doors, etc.) as well as lots of stuff going on outside in the back (mattresses, old couches, onions, drinks, etc.) The bachurim went to straighten up and some of the construction began. They hired a construction guy to run the operation. NCSY covered some of the costs but there is still much to be covered.

Therefore, if anyone is interested in contributing to the cause you can either email me ( if you want to do it privately or if you want to encourage others to do the same, in accordance with some commentaries, comment below that you would like to donate "X" amount.

Tizku Li'Mitzvoth!


  1. check out the amazing torahs on this blog

  2. American Friends of Bnei Heichala would like to donate X amount.
    Thank you
