Monday, February 8, 2010

Matzah Baking with Rebbe Reichman

It seems that the new format for posting on this blog is that I merely post messages that are sent to me (via text, email, word of mouth...) that seem relevant to the Stollel.

I recieved the following text message this morning...

matzah baking with rebbe reichman tomorrow.
bus leaving at 2. maybe post it.
gabby said big tikkun.

And so it will be. Matzah Baking trip with the Rebbe tomorrow. That's all I know.


  1. Whats pshat with not saying the name of the guy getting married. We are all going to find out who the chasan is if anyone goes.

    And whats pshat with roovain? is it really roovain's wedding? Weinberg- who contacted you about it?

    Roovain - if it really is your wedding please say so and I will gladly attend but there are just too many sfekos right now.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
