Saturday, February 6, 2010

Yes, No, Maybe So...

Are we making a minyan for the recitation of Esther's scroll?
If yes we should divide the perakim.
I will take a chapter.
I would take the first chapter but I don't know if that is too selfish.


  1. i would take a chapter. plus i got a nice scroll

  2. Hey Chevrah;

    Purim is right around the corner and our numbers have grown tramendously. We simply cant fit in any one apartment (especially when taking into account all the extended chevrah who may want to join).

    That said, unless we find somewhere aside from one of the heights apartments or the queens headquarters we are going to have to split up and/or turn people away due to a lack of space.

    Obviously neither of those is an option, so we have to find somewhere.

    Similar to the requirments for this year's stollel, we need a place that is private and comfortable.

    The only option I can think of is the downstairs of that shul by the queens HQ; we could bring some comfy chairs or even a couch or two down there, it could easily fit everyone and its very secluded. I think that if we cant find anywhere else we should even collect money and offer to pay them for it.

    Please comment if you have any suggestions or can think of anywhere.

    P.S. (Justin Diller)

  3. Anonymous (8:16), you are making but one simple error. You have forgotten that Purim is above time and space...we will have no problem fitting at least 10 million Jews in either apartment.

  4. there is an empty house on nachal shimshon, should fit all

  5. for the record- i am not anon@8:16, he/she just wanted to give me a shout out. thank u.

  6. P.S. i could prob take a chapter if needed

  7. Josh w - thats all very nice sentiment, but l'maysah we wouldnt all fit in one apartment and we should really figure something out asap

  8. zach pomerantz has Perek 6

  9. I am with Josh W. against Anonymous 8:16

  10. I think that we should just decide to do seudah either in queens or the heights and just go with it. Don't worry.

  11. -to Zlou and whoever else will appreciate this mayseh

    a friend of mine went to the seforim sale last night [this occurred twice over the course of the night]

    friend- "where's the Nesivos?"
    seforim sale staffer- "O, Nesivos Shalom is at the end of the chumash sale"

  12. did he say anything about the music?

  13. admor- thats amazing! 2 he'aros- 1) Rabbi Rudinsky's son is not your friend. 2) the story would have been even better if the "staffer" was female (how do i know that it wasn't, you ask? pashut diyuk- the response was "neSivoS shalom" as opposed to the more commonly feinine neTivoT shalom response)

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. No, you said feinine first.
    One he'arah:
    Zlou, you said feinine! you stink!

  16. -zlou

    1. the baal mayseh was not rabbi rudinsky's son [it was actually rabbi brodie's son]
    2. ur right hes not my friend hes my "chushuvah yedid"
    3. ur diyuk is correct

  17. see sruli, my diyuk was correct- as opposed to your diyuk, which wasn't even a diyuk, and therefore not b'chlal a he'arah, because i already admitted to my mistake.
    To sum up, I believe it is you who is the one who it is that is the stinky one.

  18. @Zlou in this ridiculous game there is no room for mistakes, and since you made a mistake it is too late. It cannot be fixed. מעוות לא יוכל לתקון.

  19. oh sruli, sruli, sruli, you young inexperienced soul. There is a concept in talmud referred to as toch k'dei dibur, which works as a chazara. If you look at my 2 posts, they were posted in the same minute (for proof that it was within "shalom alecha Rebbe", you'll have to either take my word for it or ask the Aibishter after 120 years. But until then.....)
    As such, it is as if my first mistake never existed. Don't worry, apology accepted.

  20. @Zlou yeah I do not deny that rule, however, "feinine" was not the last word in your comment. there were three words after that, one of which had a complex situation with the capital letters. therefore, by the time you typed it and submitted it and realized your mistake, it surely must have been after the allotted time to be considered תוך כדי דבור.

  21. incorrect again, my dear Sruli. you see, every simpleton knows that before you actually post the comment, it is as if it has not been said. For example, a mistake made but corrected before posting wouldn't have a din of a mistake to begin with, no matter how long it took you to realize and correct it. The fact is that until you post, it's k'mi she'eino. Therefore, I think it follows logically that toch k'dei dibur would be within the posting of the entire comment, which represents when the comment was "said". That, my friend, was certainly within toch k'dei dibur of its respective correction.
    Any more questions?

  22. Is it just me or is it getting very litfisch in here?

  23. 1)Garritanya- yes, it is getting litfish, which is only one step better than LitVish.

    2)Thanks TzidkasAzriel for reminding those Jews who plan on enjoying the seuda of Achashveirosh in Shushan this year (R"L) that there is ample room in E"Y B'chlal, and on/in Nachal Shimshon b'chlal.

    3)Rav Ari will read the whole thing if you need.

  24. acc to some meforshim, there may be a mistake in the previous post. I will hold back from pointing it out (as hard as that is for me) being that it comes from my Rebbe shlit"a and is more likely therefore just a very deep teaching that I am too young and foolish to understand.

  25. zlou- B'chlal pointing out mistakes is a very snag-ish avoda; B'chlal u'bifrat

  26. hahah very gooooooooood. Tiyuvta d'snag tiyuvta.

  27. Is Srulii admitting defeat??
