Friday, November 6, 2009

כחוש נ' – מוצש'ק פר' וירא

Motzei Shabbos Farbrengen
in honor of the birthdays of:
The Rebbe Rashab
The Rebbe R' Raffi Leicht
at the Stollel Headquarters
Teaneck, N.J.



    hope you shared this incredible piece at the farbrengen

  2. In the future pictures like this that dont show any Jews violating halacha arre preferred over the picture in the previous post. To end on a more positive note MAZAL TOV AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! They should be zocheh to build a true bayis ne'eman biyisroel as i am sure they will spread the word of G-d, Cassidus, Torah and lots of love.

  3. anon at 8:35- whats cassidus? isnt that one of the characters in shakespeares julius caesar? and if so what does that have to do with anything?

  4. anonymous 835: be quiet.

  5. Anon 8:35. Enlarge the picture and stop being an ultimate. You are the definition of a m'chug. If I knew who you were I would have a sohn blowup right in your face. I would "finish you off" like shoulders are going out of style. You get the idea.

    Please do yourself and us a favor and do not visit this blog again. Shkoyach.

  6. Shalom Alechem Chevra..
    i am shocked and hurt by this i am ver serious MR. ANNo- where is your dan lechaf zechut- if you would enlarge the pic you can tell that the there is no issue of negiah in the photo.
    btw i hope you have a lot of kavana when you recite shema- bc the gemra in brachot says that Gehnom wil be cooled off. & im sure you knw that the issur of lashon hara & motzei laz/ rechilut on 2 very holy people and very special members of our holy nation is potential ticket to gehnom.

    ps. since you love chasidus so much the holy besht" (in his zechut hashem should forgive you)
    says that when you see something or (think you see somthing in this case )its only a reflection of yourself. and from this i can tell that your thoughts are in the gutter.
    you should mamesh ask mechila from reb Tuli and his holy Kalah.
    with a lot off love and care for you
    your friend


  7. if i wasnt so clear about the no negiah issue
    once again enlarge the photo and you would be able 2 see that usualy people use two hands while typing on a blackberry-LOOK closely!!!!!!
    love yoou
    your friend still

  8. winter stollel is approaching rabbosai...lets get serious...where is this gonna be?

  9. Anonymous 8:35 A.M. in this post and at 8:27 in the previous...

    As the photographer of this picture and the poster on this blog, I can assure you that you are in trouble (ayin Gaby's comments.)

    I apologize for beginning this machlokes with this picture. I guess I shouldn't have posted it if it looks questionable.

    Nonetheless, I can assure you that you are mistaken in your quick judgment in a public forum. One need not write everything they think, especially when they are incorrect.

  10. Sorry to call anyone out here, but why would we say that the infamous Mr. Anonymous (the one who accused Tuli) is going to gehenom and not assume that he has already done teshuva - isnt that doing exactly what you are yelling at Mr. Anonymous about - not giving people the benefit of the doubt and assuming the worst

  11. dear Mr. Anon @9:23
    syag lechochma shtika!!!!

  12. Didan Netzach....Didan Netzach....Didan Netzach....

  13. I stand corrected and really feel horrible. thanks to all you chevra for standing up for tulli's kavod and correcting me. Mamash all day since I saw this picture I was trying to "reish pay bet" this seen and unfortunately i was nichshol (although I had a few ideas).For some reason i didnt think to enlarge the picture,although now this seems like such a pashut idea, i am so so happy i was wrong i should have never commented esp since we all know how holy Tulli and Ruthi are.They should be blessed with long healthy happy lives and Hashem should fulfill all of their hearts wishes. Btw Tulli and Ruthi I mamash beg you to forgive me and if you do please post here.

    sincerely anon 8:35

  14. brother anon8:35 - yasher koach, chazak vematz.
    bmakom sh balaei teshuvah omdim ein tzaddikim omdim. bemet chazak.
    hahsem should forgive all of us and return us to him !!! "hashivenu elecha .."
    your friend

  15. anyone else think yosef newman and gabi are begining to resemble each other?

  16. Machul lach Machul lach Machul lach,
    Tuli and Ruthie

  17. anon UR NOT WELCOME- so get out!!!

  18. Darn! I show up on November 9th @ 1029 and missed all the fun?

    oh well.

  19. @ weinberg:

    maybe follow in's footsteps and disable the anonymous option?
