Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mazal Tov Stollel...

A day of great rejoicing for all of Israel...

Mazal Tov
to Stollel member extraordinaire
Tuli Skaist
on his engagement to
Ruthie Matanky

Gathering in Monsey Tonight.


  1. MAZEL TOOOV! wow there was a stollel dry spell and now the posts are overflowing!! keep the simchas comin

  2. oy vey what about shomer nigeya it is a halacha not a minhag?!?!?!

  3. ANNo- where is your dan lechaf zechut- if you would enlarge the pic you can tell that the there is no issue of negiah in the photo.
    btw i hope you have a lot of kavana when you recite shema- so ur Gehnom wil be cooled off.

  4. Mazel Tov Tuli n Ruthie!!!!

  5. Anonymous 8:25 A.M. in this post and at 8:35 in the next...

    As the photographer of this picture and the poster on this blog, I can assure you that you are in trouble (ayin Gaby's comments.)

    I apologize for beginning this machlokes with this picture. I guess I shouldn't have posted it if it looks questionable.

    Nonetheless, I can assure you that you are mistaken in your quick judgment in a public forum. One need not write everything they think, especially when they are incorrect.

  6. wow - that anon guy's comment is really uncalled for. Sometimes when there is an anon rabble-rouser it's funny - but this wasn't funny and was totally uncool.
