Sunday, November 29, 2009

Rosh Stollel to visit Y.U. - Monday Night

The Rosh Stollel will be in town, this Monday Night to deliver a groundbreaking shiur. I assume the topic will be Chanukah, but with the Rosh Stollel you just never know.

Time: Monday - After 10 P.M. Ma'ariv
Place: 4th Floor Glueck


  1. That's a nice picture.
    Last year stollel?

  2. i never said anything about groundbreaking...but i hope the chevra can make it to the shiur. Any thoughts about what to learn this winter stollel? I have been hearing some talk...

  3. Can someone "in the know" post updates regarding the status of this years stollel (whether its happening, where etc...) so that those "not in the know" can become "in the know"

  4. 18/2 Nachal Shimshon is still available fur purchase.

  5. as of now i believe stollel is to be held at the home of rabbi dr. jerry friedman shlit"a, accross the street from the original stollel headquarters, which week (jan 3-9 or 10-16) is still to be determined
