Monday, February 23, 2009

14 Days and 14 People...

14 Days and Counting...


  1. For 2 points...SHIA W. took a lateral from Neilush Musman on a kickoff return to the house for 6 and the game...all while wearing a suit and hat.
    PS Who plays football in a suit??

  2. in the above picture, it appears that Sruli's beard made it's way onto Raffi's head

  3. oh my goodness, alicht, that was a very great comment.

  4. I second that Sruli, Alicht you've done it again!

  5. gentlemen, gentlemen thank you - but the real credit goes to jwein for scoring the game-winning touchdown.

    (Raf- haven't seen you in awhile; mestoma you're in "a good place")

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. "Hassidic Master" Alicht - I'm in "a good place," thanks for askin bro. (if I was more affluent in you and the Admor shlita's shtick i'de slip it in under more quotemarks...with time).

    And i'll take those 5 points sir gizbar, i believe that was none other than the kadosh elyon, Ish HaOrech Yamim - Ariel Fishman, aka the Jew who's under the brim and tucked in @Ner.

  8. I dont mean to take control, but Gizbar, you are not authorized to offer points. If you have your own point system, that is fine, but as far as Stollel Tamid blogspot points, it has to be done through a post.

    If you want to speak about possibly arranging a post where you can ask your own question and offer some of "your points," please speak to me after ma'ariv.

  9. oh man this picture reminds me of a time when rav rephael shlit"a's beard was on rafi's head (i.e. i am reminded of my shana aleph when rav willig had no beard not sure if that came out clearly). The bottom line is I may very well be the eldest checker of the stollel blog.....are you with me reb dovid'l?

  10. ....before anyone challenges that last point, i obviously meant besides for the hailege rosh stollel, my Rebbe, Harav Hagaon Hatzaddik HaMefursam HaMekubal Rav Moshe Tzvi Shlit"a....

  11. way to back your self up, myn bruder, otherwise i was gonna expect a classic alicht correction to appear shortl after your 1st comment

  12. Don't worry Stollel Moderator, i spoke with R' Moshe Tuchman and even confirmed with R' Blass shlita -- they paskened it's okay to make my own, non-Stollel point system. Sorry if any offense was taken.

    And now, for 10 (non-Stollel) points, which Yid took that picture after the game?

  13. reinitz? where was he if not behind the camera? and he was still in Israel b/c this was Rosh Chodesh Adar & he was still around on Purim, as we all know he was the co-unicorn w/ black tree

  14. That is incorrect, Shia Z. Try again.
    And i was wondering that myself, where was Reinitz for that game?

    PS - solid jousting with you tonight

  15. fine, so then it was that other guy from the video who none of us know who he is, i believe he was nilush's friend?

  16. Nachon, Shia Z! very nice call. 10 non-Stollel points for you.

  17. The Stollel: Making Waves all over the

    World Wide Web:

  18. I found that by accident when I was told about this:
