Thursday, February 26, 2009

Rosh Stollel Gives Shiur to Daughters of Israel

The Rosh Stollel gave a shiur this past week to some Daugheters of Israel. He sent the following message in a recent telegram:

"Last night i had the zechus of speaking at stern college on the first yahrtzeit of the loss of the 8 holy souls at merkaz harav. The shiur was on Adar and Achdus. Hope you enjoy - it should be an aliyah for their neshamos... "

It is posted at one of these links. See if you can guess which one:

The Rosh Stollel's Shiur


  1. unfortunately when i guessed correctly i got an error message.....why do i feel like this is constantly happening to me?

  2. wow this is !!לכשיפוצו מעיונתיך חוצה

  3. it works now! shkoyach Rebbe for yet another beautiful shiur....and great save at 20:29
