Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Breaking News from Queens, N.Y.


  1. hatzlacha mayor mike! (p.s. don't let my parents see this, unless you want phone numbers of girls with "great personalities," which is parental talk for "she's huge")

  2. one question for the will avidan's opinion play a role in this wife-selection process?

  3. zlou, i think you might be slightly out of place w/ that comment, considering probably less than 1/2 the stollel chevra know who avidan is & the role he plays is the mayor's life

  4. shiaZ...what if the holy Baal Shem decided not to share his beautiful insights with the world out of fear that not even 1/2 of his audience would actually appreciate it? Boruch Hashem that did not stop him, and i daven every day that it does not stop me.

  5. zlou, stink!

  6. Shouldn't he have worn this?


  7. make another confrence in yu live!!!!!!

  8. Call me I have a great girl for you

  9. Hey Mike I was in Baltimore this past shobbas, and I was at a friends house after lunch and my friend's wife had a few nice Jewish meidlechs of her own visiting for the weekend. while I was there, one of them happened to mention that someone emailed her and all her roommates this video of a guy announcing he has just entered the NDA, with the subject of the email reading: "anyone interested?" I cracked up and proudly told them how I could arrange the shidduch. Although the girl didn't think the video was too funny, she seemed intruiged when I vouched for your general outlandish comicality...It was then that I realized I'll bet you've gotten numerous emails and calls for potential nashim bc of this video. Am I wrong? If your interested in this particular one, I think it's a nice match myself and I could potentially hook you up...
