Monday, February 16, 2009

Raz in the Heights

This Thursday Night there will be an underground gathering with:
Washington Heights, N.Y.
UPDATE: 10:30 P.M.~ M.T.A Basement
10 Rubles per Person

We are also looking for a decent keyboard for him to play. If anyone knows of someone who has something respectable and could lend it for Thursday night, please comment.


  1. wait... i thought sruli was already in YU!

  2. hareni na et nekudati Hakedosha
    may we be zoche to see the a nekudah of every jew far and wide.

  3. does YU own any shpitz Keyboards?

  4. nekudati ha'penimi, reish peh bet

  5. Chevra I learned the highest vort from Reb Simcha Bunim.

    We all know the Torah from the Tikkunei Zohar that Yom Kippur is
    K'Purim. Its mamshma from here that Purim is higher than Yom Kippur
    and why is that? The Rebbe explains that on Yom Kippur we only afflict
    our bodies, but on Purim we afflict the mind which is a higher Avoda.

  6. i was just adding my understanding
    "nekudati hapenimi"
    based on torah Rsih Peh Bet, but thank for being their to teach the olam about the nekuda hapenimi
    the holy baal hashem says we come into to the world to just to do a favor for another thnx bro.

  7. thank you for confirming that, sruli.

  8. Reports are circulating that Dovid Zev Moster has been seen with an 88 key mu$ical bling-board... His brother Steven has also recently been spotted at the President of Choshech's inaugural address, dressed as the protagonist from the "Where's Waldo" series. Can anyone think of any connections between the two reports?

  9. this post is for you alicht...enjoy!

  10. you know, i think if sruli & a-licht spoke to eacah other stam, like in real life, it wouldnt be as funny. keep up the commenting, you two!

  11. nice post R' Rapp!

    (ezlot, i know you're need to cover your tracks)

  12. ShiaZ, you're wrong about that, I happened to have overheard a conversation between sruli and alicht in real life (in professor Hurvitz's bible class) and the conversation was very entertaining. However, they were discussing the comments they had posted on this blog so I dunno if that is such a good raiya.

  13. I am confused. Why can't he just play in the Muss Beis. Thanks God Sruli is in YU!


  14. If the MTA Basement doesnt work for people I think maybe we should just do it in the Main Beis.

  15. It should be known, that Raz is from the deepest Jews in the world who mamish feels the pain and suffering of Am Yisroel. Ashreinu Shezachinu L'kabel Pnei Rabeinu! It is a true Zchus for us!

  16. Hey Tuli, please bring back that Chabad video "Connections" when you come tomorrow
