Do You Want this Alter Bubby to pack you a warm bowl of Chicken Soup?

Do you want the Tzaddikim to have your back come Chodesh Elul?

If you're not sure what you're doing this August...
...And you miss the shtetl
Well then do we have the Stollel for you!
That's right folks the Stollel is officially launching its Berditchev branch this August!
The first three weeks of August
Stollel & Friends: feat. Kedushas Levi, Baal HaTanya, Rebbe Nachman, Rav Pinchas Koretzer, The Maggid, the Rebbe Reb Zusha and the Chernobyler
Connect to the Tzaddikim Amitiim Shocnei Aufar!
(S-Block's at a discounted price for participants)
(Disclaimer: Shneur ZalmanII will be packen the amalek sword, not to worry) (Coming soon for the Maimodean Chevra - Bergenfield branch)
location for summer? will there be shuir and davening again like in january during choel ha moed peasch?
ReplyDeletewait... I am not exactly clear on what is going on.